Dr. Simge Hough

Style of Art : Artist / video artist
Branch of Art : Interactive animation, video and illustration pieces
Art Profile :

Simge Hough was born in Ankara in 1978. She earned her BA in Industrial Design and another degree in Psychology at Middle East Technical University. She completed her Master′s degree in Visual Communication Design at Istanbul Bilgi University. Hough has worked as a lecturer at Bahceşehir University and Kyungsung University in Busan. Hough completed her doctoral degree in Industrial Product Design at Istanbul Technical University. She currently continues her artistic and academic work in the UK.

Her artistic works, consisting of interactive animation, video and illustration pieces, study the ways of visual storytelling. Viewer/user participation, storytelling on the basis of visual units is some of the ideas prominent in her work.

Reference: simghough.blogspot.de, goethe.de

Country : United Kingdom
Preferred Lang. : Turkish / English
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