Sema Tahincioğlu

Style of Art : Artist / sculptor, painter
Branch of Art : Sculpture, painting
Art Profile :

Sema Tahincioğlu was born in Istanbul in 1967. She graduated from the Interior Architecture Department at the Language Culture Center, Fine Arts Academy. In 1989 she continued painting at Mahir Güven′s workshop. In 1992 she went to the US to improve her artistic education. Tahincioğlu took classes of contemporary art at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts in 1993. She held her first solo exhibition in the Brenda Taylor`s Gallery in Boston. She then participated in a group painting exhibition at the Agora Gallery of Art in new York.

After she returned to Turkey, Tahincioğlu participated in many group painting exhibitions and some seminars on existentialism philosophy. In 1997, she joined some courses on traditional Turkish hand crafts and arts. She then started making three dimensional clay molding. In 2000 she worked sculpture with sculptor Arşo Kasparyan. Between 2000 and 2006, Tahincioğlu attended Serap Gümüşoğlu′s workshop in order to get a new vision. In 2006 Tahincioğlu held her first solo exhibition of figurative bronze works at the Hobby Art Gallery in Istanbul. Since then she has participated in numerous group sculpture exhibitions and art fairs and held many solo exhibitions. Tahincioğlu currently continues her work at her own studio in Istanbul.


Web Site :
City : Istanbul
Country : Turkey
Preferred Lang. : Turkish / English
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