Kemal Gökhan Gürses

Style of Art : Artist / caricaturist
Branch of Art : Caricature
Art Profile :

Kemal Gökhan Gürses was born in Istanbul in 1964. In 1978, he started drawing for Mikrop magazine. Later, he drew for Gırgır, Fırt, Atmaca magazines. He also worked as a writer and caricaturist in Gençlik ve Toplum magazine. In 1984, Gürses drew political caricatures and comic strips “Ağaç Yaşken Eğilir” for Cumhuriyet newspaper until 1993. This comic strip was published as a book. He then drew the cartoon “Zontelektüel Abdullah” for Hürriyet newspaper, which was made into a TV drama. Gürses is one of founders of Deli magazine. He prepared the cartoon “Dedem ve Ben” with the Doğan brothers. Since 1997, Gürses has prepared the comic strip “Şu Benim 35 yaşım ve Şu Benim 35 küsür yaşım” for Radikal newspaper. He also drew the comic strip “Obezler” and the story “Histanbul”, which was made into a theater story, for Radikal newspaper. For “Histanbul”, he received “the best playwright” in the 9th Lions Theater Awards; jury prize and the best decoration prize in the İsmet Küntay Theater Awards. In 2005, Gürses began drawing the comic strip “Ayşegül Savaşta”, in which he tried to explain the Iraq war and the conflict in Lebanon. Currently, he continues to work as a graphic designer and director in his advertising agency, Mucizeler Dükkanı.

His books:
Ağaç Yaşken Eğilir 1-2-3
12 Eylül Öncesine Dönmek İstiyorum
Aydınlarla Zontaların Savaşı
Aslında Bunların Hepsi Hikâye
Boşver Nasılsa Halk Anlamaz
Zontelektüel Abdullah
O Günlerde Sanki Hiç Yoktuk
Kırkından Sonra
Ayşegül Savaşta (Irak Şahini)


City : Istanbul
Country : Turkey
Preferred Lang. : Turkish
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