Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayla Kanbur

Style of Art : Co-director, writer
Branch of Art : Film theory, visual culture, short film production, film criticism
Art Profile :

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayla Kanbur was born in Istanbul in 1965. She graduated from the Department of Philosophy. She completed her Master′s and doctoral degree, proficiency in Arts, in the Faculty of Fine Arts at Marmara University. Kabur then went to London and attended various classes for three years. Kanbur directed two short films "Doğa ve Uygarlık" (Nature and Civilization) and "Şiir ve Sinema" (Poetry and Cinema), and received several awards.

She has worked as co-director and writer for Vizyon magazine, text writer for CINE 5 TV program. Since the 1990′s, she has written many articles on films and film reviews for various magazines including 25. Kare, Antrakt, Antrakt Sinema Gazetesi, Yeni Sinema, Toplumbilim and Türk Film Araştırmalarında Yeni Yönelimler (new Orientations to Turkish Film Researches) book series. In 2003-2004 she served on an editorial board for the magazine Antrakt. Currently she is on one of the editorial boards for Yeni Sinema magazine.

Kanbur has participated in many conferences and film workshops in Turkey and abroad. She worked as an editor for the book "Sadeleliğin Derinliğinde Bir Usta: Lütfi Akad." She published her paper "Gelin-The Bride" in the book The Cinema of North Africa and Middle East, published by Wallflower Press. In 2008 Kanbur published the book Özgürlüklerden Kayıplara ve Sonrası with Zeynep Tül Akbal Süalp and Necla Algan. Kanbur teaches film analysis, film theory, visual culture, and Short Film Production at Yeditepe University. She has been a member of SIYAD since 2000.

Short films as a director:
Dörtlük: Şiir ve Sinema, 1999
Uyguarlık ve Doğa, 1994


Foundation : Yeditepe University
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City : Istanbul
Country : Turkey
Preferred Lang. : Turkish / English
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