Opr. Dr. Temel Tacal

Style of Art : Artist / photographer
Branch of Art : Photography
Art Profile :

Dr. Temel Tacal was born in Ankara in 1960. He graduated from TED Ankara College in 1977. In the same year, he entered the Ankara University Medical Faculty from which he graduated as a doctor in 1983. He worked at the same University first in Anesthesiology and then in Orthopedics and Traumatology before he obtained his diploma in 1989. He worked as an orthopedist at the Ankara Traffic Hospital from 1990 to 2000. Since 2002 he has been working as an expert in orthopedics and traumatology at the Baltalimanı Bone Hospital for Teaching and Research. While working as in orthopedics, he attended courses, seminars and programs in many parts of the world in order to further his career and extend his medical knowledge not only in Orthopedics, but also in Child Orthopedics, hip and knee surgery and traumatology. He has recently begun to concentrate on surgery of the spine. He attends many professional meetings, conferences and symposiums both in Turkey and abroad. Dr. Tacal is also photographer and has held many exhibitions, some of which include “My Impressions”, “The Reality of Objects Reflecting Light”, “First there was Water” and “Feminine Mystery Begins in the Bronze Age”.

(Reference: Yolu Işık′tan Geçenler: Işık Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Öğretim Üyelerinden Seçmeler, Istanbul 2007).

Web Site : http://temeltacal.net
Preferred Lang. : Turkish / English
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