İbrahim Akyürek

Style of Art : Artist / photographer
Branch of Art : Photography
Art Profile :

İbrahim Akyürek was born in Zonguldak in 1950. He graduated from the Faculty of Forestry at Istanbul University in 1974. He started taking photographs in the same year and became a member at IFSAK (the Society of Istanbul Amateur Photography and Cinema). He held his first photography exhibition "Halktan Yansıma" with other IFSAK members in Zonguldak. It was followed by other exhibitions such as "Kömürden Sonra Zonguldak" (with Saffet Can), "Maga′da 24 Saat" (with Sevil Üzrek). Akyürek has also held many solo exhibitions including "Yaşamın İçinden," "Balkayası," "Bir İnsan Nasıl Kaybolur?," "Trafik Canavarı Neyi Gizler?," "Gazhane′de Şenlik Var" and "Artistik Hareketler." He has prepared many group exhibitions such as "Savunma ve Havacılık Dergisindeki Reklamlar Ne Anlatır?," "Bu Fotoğraflar Yayınlandı" and "Şebeke Sunar: Reklamlar." Besides various exhibitions, Akyürek has held many slideshows. He prepared a show "Direniş Tepesi" and "İnsan Haklarıyla İnsandır" with Birol Üzmez and screened them in 50 different places in Turkey. From 1985 to 1990 Akyürek served as board director at IFSAK. He is an honorary member of IFSAK and currently continues teaching photography. At the same time Akyürek works as director of the SergiOdası in Zonguldak. In 2014 he published two books: "Hayatımız Zonguldak" (Istanbul, 2014) and "Zonguldak Yazıları" (Istanbul: Kurgu publications, 2014).

Reference: idefix.com, zokev.org.tr


Foundation : SergiOdası
Email : zsergiodasi@hotmail.com
City : Zonguldak
Country : Turkey
Preferred Lang. : Turkish / English
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