Hasan Demirçalı

Style of Art : Master craftsman / wood worker
Branch of Art : Wood carving (chest)
Art Profile :

The two brothers, Hasan and Mehmet Demirçalı succeeded their father H. Ali Demirçalı in the family business of making wooden chests, which was originally started by their grandfather, Mehmet Demirçalı. Hasan and Mehmet expanded their business and have made chests according to modern tastes, putting some new functions. They developed their business and increased the amount of production.

Foundation : Sandıkçı Hacı Hafız
Email : info@sandikcim.com
City : Kayseri
Country : Turkey
Phone : 0352. 320 00 12
Fax : 0352. 320 00 57
Preferred Lang. : Turkish
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