Prof. Dr. Orhan Okay

Style of Art : Academic / Turkish Literature
Branch of Art : Turkish Literature
Art Profile :

Orhan Okay was born in Istanbul in 1931. He graduated from the Department of Turkish Language and Literature in the Faculty of Letters at Istanbul University in 1975. After working as a teacher for a while, Okay worked as an assistant at the Faculty of Letters of Erzurum Atatürk University where he completed his doctoral degree. He received the title of Associate Professor in 1975 and Professor in 1988. Prof. Dr. Okay retired from Atatürk University in 1996 and worked as an editor for the Islam Encyclopedia of the Turkish Religious Foundation. He published 17 books including Sanat ve Hayat (1956), Beşir Fuad: İlk Türk Pozitivist ve Naturalisti (1969), Abdülhak Hamid′in Romantizmi (1971), Batı Medeniyeti Karşısında Ahmed Mithad Efendi (1975), Hüsn ü aşk, Şeyh Galip (1975), Ahmet Haşim′in Şiirlerinin Sembolizm Açısından Yorumu (1977), Safahat, Mehmet Akif Ersoy (1990), Edebiyat ve Sanat Yazıları (1991), Mehmet Akif: Bir Karakter Heykelinin Anatomisi (1998), Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar (2000), Bir Başka İstanbul (2002), Mektuplar (2003) and Aydınlar Konuşuyor (2003). He published numerous articles in various journals and newspapers such as Türk Sanatı, Hareket Türk Dili, Türk Edebiyatı, Dergah, Milli Kültür, Türk Kültürü, Türk Yurdu and Zaman. He received many awards including "the Culture Man of the Year" (1977) and "Review award" (1991) from the Writers Union of Turkey, "Mevlana Grand Award" from the Kombassan Foundation (1998) and "Research Award on Turkish Culture" from the Elginkan Foundation (2012). Prof. Orhan Okay passed away in Istanbul in 2017.


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