İhsan Kurt

Style of Art : Author, poet
Branch of Art : Novels, columns, articles, poetry
Art Profile :

İhsan Kurt was born in Yozgat in 1953. After graduating from Akdağmadeni High School (1972), the Institute of Education in Sivas (1976), and the Faculty of Educational Sciences at Ankara University (1981), he completed his master’s degree with his thesis “A Psychological Approach to Turkish Proverbs” at the Institute of Social Sciences st Gazi University in 1989. After teaching in many towns such as Erzurum, Tokat and Ankara between 1973 and 1990, he served as a departmental head in the Ministry of National Education, Institute of Common Education between1990 and 1992. Kurt also worked as a teacher in the Faculty of Education at Gazi University between 1992 and 1997; and the Faculty of Education at Selçuk University in 1997. He then retired from this university in 2002.

His first article “Kendine Dönüş” (Returning to yourself) was published in the newspaper “Ortadoğu” on 14th September in 1974. His subsequent articles and poems featured in newspapers and periodicals such as “Ortadoğu” (1974), “Hergün” (1976), “Millet” (1976), “Pusat” (1977), “Erciyes” (1982), “Kültür ve Sanat” (1982), “Konevi” (1984),”Türk Edebiyatı” (1985), “Bizim Ocak” (1985), “Birliğe Çağrı” (1987), “Yeni Ufuk” (1988), “Bizim Dergâh” (1991), “Sabır” (1991), “Çağdaş Eğitim” (1993), “Millî Folklor” (1993), and “Dergâh” (1993). Kurt wrote an item about “The Family and Proverbs” for the Encyclopedia of The Turkish Family in the Process of Socio-Cultural Change, which comprises three volumes, and was published by the Prime Ministry Family Research Institution. He has participated in various scientific meetings and congresses, and worked on various projects. In addition to this, Kurt has written more than 500 articles relating to different fields that have appeared in various publications. He has also published 27 books. Kurt is a member of the Writers Union of Turkey and the Professional Association of Scientific and Literary Work Owners of Turkey.

Selected essays and researches:
Bilim Tarihinden Hikâyeler /Short Stories From the History of Science (2003)
Küreselleşme Eşliğinde Bağlamada Caz Faslı /Jazz Section on the Bağlama to Accompany Globalization (2002)
Psikolojiden Kültüre (From Psychology to Culture (2000)
Kitapsızlık Hürriyeti (The Freedom of Having no Books (1997)
Çamlığın Başında Tüten Tütün (The Smoke Rising from the Top of the Pine (1997)
Çiledeki İnsan Necip Fazıl (Man in Torment, Necip Fazıl (1991)
Türk Atasözlerine Psikolojik Bir Yaklaşım (A Psychological Approach to Turkish Proverbs (1991)
Bilim Tarihinde Keşiflerin İç Yüzü (The Inside Story of the Discoveries in the History of Science (1990)

Selected poetry books:
Gül Şafağı Hüzünleri /Sadness of a Rose Dawn (2002)
Bir Yüreğin Türküleri /Ballads of a Heart (2001)

Refefence: ihsankurt.net, antoloji.com,edebiyatogretmeni.net, google.com.tr/images

Web Site : www.ihsankurt.net
Email : ihsan@ihsankurt.net
City : Istanbul
Country : Turkey
Preferred Lang. : Turkish / English
Images :