İbrahim Kemal Cimbiz

Style of Art : Master craftsman / plaster-caster
Branch of Art : Plaster, caster
Comment : Master of plaster and caster
Art Profile :

İbrahim Kemal Cimbiz learned a craft from Turkish-Armenian plaster-caster, Garabet Cezayirliyan. When his master died in 1982, Cimbiz inherited the workshop and himself became a master of decorative sculpture. A hundred years’ worth of casts, which are Kemal Cimbiz’s working archive, are now laid out on the floor of the palace of St. Eugene in Beyoğlu. There are around 3000 different molds representing every period of architectural history. Stuccos, architraves, stalactites, friezes, reliefs, pilasters, capitals, consoles and cornices, enriched with flowers, fruits, branches, shells and cornucopias, were indispensable in the stamping of style, period and esteem on the façade of mansion or office. They were used to embellish every major building in Istanbul from the 1850s to the 1940s. These are used for new buildings as well as restorations on famous buildings, palaces, villas and houses in Istanbul. He works with his son, Cemal Cimbiz and his apprentices.
References: The World of Interiors magazine (April 2000). Cornucopia magazine, issue 23, vol.4, (Istanbul 2001), p.98-106. On Air, no.35 (Istanbul, May 2007) p.106-110. Art Decor (AD), (Istanbul, July-August 1994), p.117-119.

Foundation : Zanaat Atelye 1885, Mimarlık İnşaat Dekorasyon Sanayi ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Email : zanaatmim@hotmail.com
City : Istanbul
Country : Turkey
Phone : 0212. 249 80 75 / 0532. 303 39 54
Fax : 0212. 251 98 03
Preferred Lang. : Turkish
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